Ron Swanson Cake: Give me ALL the bacon and eggs you have.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

For anyone who watches the TV show Parks and Recreation, you might appreciate this cake.  Ron Swanson is a monotone, masculine, hunting, and breakfast loving character who is the parks director of Pawnee, Indiana.  Although there are SO many great characters on the show, my husband appreciates the humor of Ron the most.  So for his birthday I decided to make a face cake based off a Ron Swanson halloween mask I saw online, which was designed by Jon Defreest.

You must watch this hilarious clip with one of his most his memorable lines.  "Give me all the bacon and eggs you have."


Lunchbox said...

Amazing!! I just died a little I love this cake so much. Parks and Rec is a staple in our house and my husband would also appreciate this cake. Great job!!!!

faithy said...

LOL! This is such an Awesome cake!!

Kate W said...

How can I order one?! This is unbelievable!

Julia said...

Oh wow! As a die-hard fan of Parks & Rec, I totally approve! Mind sharing a bit of a how-to? I would love to know how you pulled this off so well!

Jon Defreest said...

I actually designed that mask and good God is that an awesome cake! Well done!

Anonymous said...

I'd give you all my buried gold bullion to order one

Rosemary said...

I love how creative your cake is, it looks delicious.