
Friday, January 29, 2010


 When I saw these "message-in-a-cookie" cutters from Williams Sonoma I had the same expression on my face as when I see a really cute baby :)  Making beautiful cookies CAN be easy!  Just slide in the customized message you want, roll out some dough, press the shape out, and bake.  The words will automatically imprint into the dough.  These look great with a little bit of royal icing embellishment or just as is.  Can't wait to try them out!


Best Wedding Cakes of 2009

Saturday, January 16, 2010 has picked our purple cake with grey and black pinwheels as one of the "Best Wedding Cakes of 2009"  Check out the gallery to see what other cakes made it on the list!

Also, if you are having a wedding within the next few weeks of winter and haven't decided on a cake yet, check out selection of Winter Wedding Cakes.  Our white shimmery cake with handmade flowers are among the selections.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

I've been hearing that the most popular time of the year to get engaged is between Thanksgiving to New Years.  Makes sense.  Just enough time to plan for a summer wedding, a season surrounded by family, and what's a better Christmas gift than a diamond ring?!?  :)  To my friends who recently got engaged and all those who rang in the new year with a new fiancée, congratulations!!!

A couple months ago I made gumpaste cake toppers for a friend's wedding.  Since then, there have been more orders for personalized brides/grooms.  Here are some photos of recent couples :)




Holiday 2009

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!! 
I can't believe this year...and decade is already over!.  2009 was a fantastic beginning for EatCakeBeMerry and I have been so thankful for the various clients that have given us the opportunity to do what we love each day and make creative cakes.  I am also thankful for the many bloggers and publications that have shared our cakes with their readers and helped us grow.  I am so excited for what 2010 has in store for us and I hope this year is filled with many merry occasions for everyone!

Holiday cookies '09.

Hope you have a wonderful new year!!!!! 2010